Apostolic Summit Survey

Thank You for taking the time to participate in the Apostolic Summit Survey.  All responses are 100% anonymous.

How would you rate the hotel accommodations?(Required)
Rate the content you received from the Apostolic Summit overall(Required)
How would you rate the service you received at the hotel?(Required)
Did the content received help to bring clarity to your role?(Required)

Please rank the 4 segments (excluding the Holy Convocation segment) in order of importance to you (1 - highest, 4 - lowest)

Session 1 Apostolic Impartation(Required)
Session 2 Spiritual awareness (Reviving and reflecting ourselves and our culture)(Required)
Session 3 Organizational structure overview and expectations(Required)
Session 4 The Solomon Model - How to build your house and the house of God(Required)
How often do you think our executive leadership team should meet? (not necessarily in person but overall)(Required)
How often would you like to meet in person?(Required)
How important is it to you to receive impartation from the apostolic council?(Required)
Overall how would you rate the Apostolic Leadership Summit?(Required)
Based on our conversation regarding the budget for meetings of this kind, do you believe the investment is worth it?(Required)
Did you walk away with a greater understanding of the LIN goals and vision?(Required)

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